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St. Patrick's Primary School Burrenreagh


20th Nov 2023
Congratulations to our times table challenge this week.
16th Nov 2023
Our P4 and P5 class have been working extremely hard on their Viking Topic. They...
16th Nov 2023
Our P4 and P5 class have been working extremely hard on their Viking Topic. They...
16th Nov 2023
Congratulations to our past pupil Conor Mooney who played a leading role in St. Malachy's...
16th Nov 2023
Congratulations to Mrs. Burke and our P.7 who won the Burrendale Hotel Scarecrow...
13th Nov 2023
Our Halloween Disco was a great success. Not only had our pupils a fantastic time...
26th Oct 2023
Religion is a much-loved area of the curriculum.  Our children enjoy listening...
26th Oct 2023
We have been creating silhouettes.  Firstly, we had our side-profile photograph...
25th Oct 2023
Congratulations and a massive thanks to all the staff for all their hard work in...